
I’m a Ph.D. candidate in Software Engineering Group (SEG) of School of Computer Science at Nanjing University (NJU), supervised by Prof. Xuandong Li and Prof. Tian Zhang. Before that, I obtained my bachelor degree from Nanjing University in the Department of Computer Science and Technology. Now I’m conducting an one-year visiting program in Cyber Security Lab (CSL), Nanyang Technological University (NTU) sponsored by China Scholarship Council (CSC), under the guidance of Associate Prof. Yi Li and Associate Prof. Shangqing Liu.

Research Interests

  • Code Intelligence
    • Use AI techniques to generate code-related artifacts, specific tasks including Code Summarization, Code Completion, Program Repair, etc.
  • Mining Software Repositories
    • Extract and analyze data from software repositories to uncover interesting and usable information
  • Empirical Software Engineering
    • Construct new datasets, uniformly evaluate existing tools, and investigate the effectiveness of tools in different scenarios


  • (2024.10) Got Best Student Paper Award for ICSME 2024.
  • (2024.05) Two papers accepted by ICSME 2024.
  • (2024.01) One paper accepted by ICPC 2024.
  • (2023.10) One paper accepted by TOSEM.
  • (2023.09) Got ACM SIGSOFT Distinguished Paper Award for ASE 2023.
  • (2023.07) Two papers accepted by ASE 2023.